Episode 34: Exploring Autoimmunity: A Deep Dive Answering Your Questions


There’s no doubt that the rise of autoimmune diseases has become an epidemic, particularly post-Covid. In this episode, Nicole answers your questions around triggers for autoimmunity, including stress, lifestyle changes and environment factors; as well as her top tips for nourishing your body when dealing with autoimmune conditions, specifically with a focus on gluten sensitivity in Hashimoto’s. 

Nicole also discusses how you can manage autoimmune diseases through diet and lifestyle changes, and also touches on the process of moving towards remission and what it consists of.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast and related website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat, instead it is designed to help educate and inspire. Always seek the advice of a professional medical practitioner or qualified health practitioner. Never ignore or disregard advice given to you based on information in this podcast or related website and do not delay in seeking medical advice.



[01:16] Exploring the rise of autoimmune diseases post-COVID

[04:42] The impact of modern lifestyle on autoimmunity

[10:31] Porridge alternatives and healthy breakfast ideas

[14:16] Navigating diet and autoimmunity

[22:00] Understanding thyroid health and medication management

Stress is a huge trigger for autoimmunity. We can’t away from the fact that we live a much more stressful life now than we used to.

Essential learnings from this episode…

  • Although Covid can trigger autoimmunity, it doesn’t necessarily mean it was the root cause

  • 80-90% of most of Nicole’s patient’s triggers stems directly from stress

  • How to best nourish your body first thing in the morning and easy changes you can make

  • The preventative measures we can take to prevent autoimmunity


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Episode 35: Breaking the Cycle: Insights into High Functioning Anxiety with Lorna Devine


Episode 33: Fertility Foundations: Nutrition, Lifestyle and Beyond with Sandra Greenbank