Episode 01: Unstoppable: A Champion's Journey to Finding Purpose with Multiple Sclerosis with GB Athlete Lina Nielsen


Lina Nielsen is a British sprinter, hurdler and yoga instructor on the FitApp. When she was just 17, Lina was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Lina decided to keep her diagnosis a secret whilst competing for 9-years. Just two days before the World Athletics Championship Heats in 2022, Lina relapsed. This prompted her to tell the world about her MS diagnosis. 

In this episode, Lina joins Nicole to discuss her journey from first being diagnosed, how it’s impacted her career, the three non-negotiables she sticks by, and why she believes that track and field saved her.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast and related website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat, instead it is designed to help educate and inspire. Always seek the advice of a professional medical practitioner or qualified health practitioner. Never ignore or disregard advice given to you based on information in this podcast or related website and do not delay in seeking medical advice.



[02:10] How Lina first became interested in athletics

[03:41] When Lina realised something wasn’t quite right with her body

[06:19] Getting the MS diagnosis

[09:00] The impact Lina’s diagnosis had on her athletic career

[11:49] Using track and field as a mental and physical outlet

[13:14] Waiting for the right moment to tell the world

[18:34] The three things Lina has found helpful when it comes to managing her MS

[22:48] The importance of knowing what you’re putting into your body

[23:47] The mindset Lina carries and why it’s crucial

[27:06] Lina’s advice for living well with MS

Belief is one of the things you have to carry, especially with something like MS. Not to be defeated, or let it consume you. See how you can use your diagnosis for good.

Essential learnings from this episode…

  • Lina’s reaction when she first got her multiple sclerosis diagnosis and why it’s ok to accept how you feel

  • The purpose MS has given Lina when it comes to her career and never taking anything for granted

  • The important role sleep, movement and an anti-inflammatory diet plays in managing Lina’s MS

  • Why a positive mindset is a vital component for Lina


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Episode 02: Gluten and Intestinal Permeability


Trailer: Welcome to The Goode Health Podcast