Episode 22: Sleep Optimisation: Boosting Longevity and Strengthening Immunity


We all need sleep to function, but how important actually is sleep and what role does it play in not just our day-to-day lives, but our longevity and immune health? In this episode, you’re about to find out! 

Nicole discusses the significance of sleep optimisation for overall well-being, longevity, and immune health.  She delves into the benefits of quality sleep, like cognitive function enhancement, cardiovascular health, inflammation reduction, cellular repair and much more! Nicole also shares her top tips for structuring an effective morning and sleep routine to optimise your sleep for the long-term.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast and related website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat, instead it is designed to help educate and inspire. Always seek the advice of a professional medical practitioner or qualified health practitioner. Never ignore or disregard advice given to you based on information in this podcast or related website and do not delay in seeking medical advice.



[01:18] The role of growth hormones in sleep

[03:24] Sleep and the immune system

[05:55] The importance of quality sleep

[07:16] Zinc deficiency and some of the causes

[10:12] Building an effective morning routine

[12:26] Creating a healthy sleep routine

[14:43] Lifestyle factors for better sleep

[15:51] Implementing new routines for better sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Quality sleep really supports the maintenance of healthy blood pressure and optimal cardiovascular function.

Essential learnings from this episode…

  • The role sleep has when it comes to supporting cognitive function and cardiovascular health

  • How quality sleep reduces inflammation and promotes cellular repair

  • What can happen to our immune system when we have inadequate sleep

  • Why a consistent sleep routine is important for optimal sleep


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